Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Houses made from shipping containers?

We bumped into an article about 22 Most Beautiful Houses Made from Shipping Containers and thought of sharing it with you :-)

Wouldn't it be an awesome experience just to stay in a house or room made of shipping container just for once? Well you're in for a treat as some campers will have the privilege of staying in container rooms. They're might not look as good as the ones below but hey, how often do we get to stay in a shipping container :D

Thursday, 24 April 2014

The comma of grace.

As I’ve written about before, one Easter I got into a bit of a yelling match with a guy in a visor at an Easter egg hunt. The whole thing was exactly how Jesus imagined us honoring that day.
We were at my in-laws country club, which always makes me feel a little weird. We’re certainly rich in a global way, but I kind of think that they can all tell that I’m just a visitor. I feel like the real members can smell middle class on me. (Which kind of smells like sun ripened raspberry and feet by the way.)
So after I pointed to where a golden egg was hidden to my then 5 year old daughter, he yelled at me for cheating. I told him that his white visor made him look like a financial planner who was wearing his “casual uniform.” Whole thing got very out of hand. (I didn’t say that, but I thought it later when we were driving home, which is where most of my comebacks occur.)
This year, we spent Easter in Chapel Hill at my parents church. Standing there waiting for the egg hunt to start I had a flashback to that rugby scrum one from a few years ago. I might always remember that moment at Easter, but there’s a more important one I won’t forget. One I’ve written about before.
I’m talking about the “comma of grace.”
I found it in Luke 22. In that chapter, Jesus is being led away. He is headed to the cross. A million prophecies are coming true and chaos is breaking out a little amongst disciples that up to this point have sworn to serve until death. In the midst of that, he pulls Simon aside because he knows that Simon will soon betray him.
He says to Simon in Luke 22:31-32:
“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail.”
And then, he drops the 9 words that I can’t write about enough. The 9 words that I often turn to when I’ve failed and messed up again and feel hopelessly undeserving of hope.
Jesus tells Simon:
“And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
Do you see what Jesus is saying in that first half of the sentence, And when you have turned back? He’s saying:
You are going to fail.
You are going to fall.
You are going to lose it.
You are going to make commitments and break them.
You are not going to always be the man you family needs.
You are going to sin.
But, but, but, you will turn back.
You will come back. You will know redemption. You will know return. You will know a God that not only allows the “comeback” but actually celebrates it.
When I read the phrase “And when you have turned back,” I read a loud, wild picture of what grace really looks like.
And then, if you go too fast, you’ll miss the comma. You’ll miss the gap that sits quietly between the next thought. You’ll miss it because like me, you might misread the second half of that sentence.
Here’s what it says:
“And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
But here’s how we write it sometimes:
“And when you have turned back, repent for a long time and stay a long way from me until you are clean enough to return to my presence.”
“And when you have turned back, please stay far away from any ministry opportunities. You are too broken to help other people. How can you minister to others when your own life is so messed up?
“And when you have turned back, here are the 57 things you need to do in order to earn back my good favor.”
But Christ doesn’t do that! He drops a comma like a grenade.
He gives us the gift of the comma and then asks us to strengthen our brothers. Not beat ourselves with emotional whips. Or lay in a hole of shame. Or stay to the shadows of church, afraid to be seen.
He wants you. In his arms. By his side. Surrendered and free in his presence.
Not because you deserve it or have earned it or are perfect.
Because of Easter.
That’s it.
We all get the comma of grace.
- Jon Acuff
Source:- http://stuffchristianslike.net/2014/04/23/42780/

Friday, 4 April 2014

Sometimes You Need To Quit In Order To Succeed

Since I was little, I’ve always been told that quitting was for losers. Whether it be in elementary school, church, or even at home, I was always told that quitting was a “bad” thing, and that I should always try to stick things out until the end. While I understand where most of these individuals were coming from, I’ve come to realize through my own experiences in life that sometimes quitting can actually be the very thing needed to propel your purpose.
Many people would say that true leaders never quit, but I truly believe that the greatest of leaders are the ones who are mature enough to admit when they need to take a step back. Whether it be in business, ministry, or even a relationship, being able to say “enough is enough” is a really good thing. Why? Because quitting one thing might be your ticket to achieving another. You need time to regroup and recalibrate.
For those of you who know me personally, you’re aware that I constantly have my hands in many projects. I’m always on the go, thinking of new ideas, and always trying out new things. Some might see this as a flaw, but I see it as a way to see what sticks.
Over the last ten years of my life, I have had a total of 9 nine different jobs, and have stepped down from a total of 7 of them. Many would think this is pretty crazy, but stepping down was the only road I could take if I wanted to pursue the reality of chasing my purpose in life. Many might say I just don’t know how to settle, to which I would agree with. Why? Because I was never called to settle in the first place. My wife and I have learned that taking leaps of faith into the path of God’s will can do nothing but bring us closer to his plan. And guess what? We’ve seen nothing but blessing come out of our experiences. This isn’t to say we’ve never had tough times, but we have always found ourselves looking back and thanking God for the decisions we made.
As of today, my wife and I work for ourselves. We’ve taken some incredible leaps of faith, and stepped down from positions I was mediocre at, all to further our chances of finding our purpose in life. I can’t say I regret any of our decisions. To everyone who once told you that quitting was a bad idea, I’d like to encourage you to re-think that statement.
Sometimes you need to quit things that you are mediocre at in order to experience things that are extraordinary.
I say this from personal experience. I’m not telling you to quit your job with no back-up plan; I am telling you to always be on the lookout for open doors. God is always willing to guide you if you are willing. Don’t settle for mediocrity; You were destined for greatness.
- Jarrid Wilson
Source:- http://jarridwilson.com/sometimes-you-need-to-quit-in-order-to-succeed/

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

IBridge camp is back once again!

Ibridge Camp 2012

Ibridge Camp 2011

Ibridge Camp 2010

Ibridge Camp 2009

Ibridge Camp 2008

Ibridge Camp 2007

Ibridge Camp 2006

Ibridge Camp 2005

Ibridge Camp 2004

Ibridge Camp 2003

Ibridge Camp 2002